
New version 0.26.0

Improvements to existing features

We are releasing a new version with several improvements in different components.



  • Align UI groups filtering with the rest of decidim #8105
  • Improve error messages in admin panel #8193
  • Add sorting to...
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Job offer: Project Manager

What’s the job

We’re looking for someone to lead the management of the association, together with the Coordination Committee. As Project Manager, you will be a key part of the team that is responsible for planning, coordinating, and managing the internal...

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Job offer: Senior RoR developer

What’s the job

We’re looking for someone to become part of the Decidim family, more specifically of the project backbone! Someone with passion for programming and problem solving, who will be in charge of maintaining the core repository of Decidim...

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Job offer: Community coordinator

What’s the job

We are looking for someone to take care of the Decidim community and the contributions that its members make to the project. On a daily basis you will interact with a multidisciplinary group of people, that includes a variety of profiles...

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New version 0.24.0

Release highlights


This version adds important improvements related to moderation. Decidim instances have more and more activity, and with activity comes SPAM, bots and other internet phenomena đź‘ľ.

We have added a global moderation panel to...

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New version 0.23.0

Improvements to existing features


Maps and geocoding are now fully configurable, and there’s a standardized API to plug any possible service to the map functionality in Decidim: dynamic maps, static maps, geocoding and geocoding autocompletion...

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New version 0.22.0

Improvements to existing features


Now in the administration panel you can check some statistics about the activity on the platform. We added new notifications and the option of searching for participants through their e-mail. Admins now also...

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New version 0.21.0

Improvements to existing features


We have extended the coverange of the API to all available (read-only) public content and some search capabilities:

  • Added documentation to use the API (newcomers friendly). #5582
  • Add search and order capabilities...
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New version 0.20.0

Improvements to existing features


  • Now admins can export/import participatory processes, specially useful when working on a blank instance or deploying processes with the same structure that repeat over time.#5422,#5424

  • In order to...
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New version 0.19.0

Improvements to existing features


  • Add CSV Import to Participatory Space Private Users. #5304

image alt text


  • Allow multi-choice answers to questions in consultations. #5356

  • Allow to restrict voting to a question by adding...

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New version 0.18.0

Improvements to existing features


Better user experience related to Consultations/Questions. #5112

  • Change button appearance when listing questions in the Consultation page depending on whether the user has voted it or not

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New version 0.17.0

Improvements to existing features

Participatory texts

In order to improve this feature, several changes have been made:

  • Added a button to reset all participatory text drafts. #4814

  • Add text formatting capabilities to MarkdownToProposals...

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New version 0.16.0

New Features


With the Amendments feature any participant can edit the text of a proposal and a “sub-proposal” will be created as an amendment. This amendment may gather endorsements and supports. The author of the original proposal may...

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New version 0.15.0

New Features


Added metrics visualization for differents Participatory Spaces and Components.

  • See metrics docs
  • Added metrics visualization for Users and Proposals (all, accepted and votes) #3603
  • Added metrics visualization for...

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New version 0.13.0

New features

This is a special release to comply with the new General Data Protection Regulation


  • GDPR: Unbundled consent on user registration #3483
  • GDPR: Right to be Forgotten #3315
  • GDPR: Newsletter checkbox unchecked by default \3316
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New version 0.12.0

New features


Several improvements have been made to Assemblies, such as:

  • Add members to assemblies. #3008
  • An assembly member can be related to an existing user. #3302
  • Show the assemblies that a user belongs to in their profile...
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New version 0.11.0

New features

We have plenty of features to announce. For a complete list please visit the changelog. Here is a list of some of the most relevant new features:

  • Blogs!: This first one you might already noticed, this post is an example :)
  • New...
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News version 0.10.0

New features

Admin log

In order to improve control on what other admins are doing, we want all actions done by admins to be logged and shown in a log feed in the admin section. #2603

For each action, we want to see:

  • User who performed the action
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News version 0.9.0

New features

This new release adds important improvements, especially in terms of communication between participants, such as:

  • Nicknames: Unique usernames for participants have been added. #2360

  • User officialization: Admins can...

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News version 0.8.0

New features

  • Results versioning: A new version is generated each time a result is updated, reflecting the changes made. #2206
  • Private conversations: New feature to send private messages between participants. #2186 Clue! To send a message to someone...
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News version 0.7.0

New features

  • Customization: Administrators can customize both the text and the URL of the home's main button. #2053


  • Meetings: The admins of a process can invite other users to participate in a meeting. #1879



Improvements in usability

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Novetats versiĂł 0.6.0

Noves funcionalitats i millores d’usabilitat

  • Ă’rgans (assemblies). S’estrena el nou component d’Assemblies (en fase beta), a travĂ©s del qual els òrgans de participaciĂł poden disposar d’un espai propi a la plataforma. Aquesta primera versiĂł (MVP...
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Novetats versiĂł 0.5.0

Noves funcionalitats i millores d'usabilitat

  • Fitxers adjunts a una proposta. Desde l’admin es pot habilitar l’opciĂł per permetre adjuntar documents a una proposta. El format permès Ă©s PDF o imatge. Al formulari s’ha d’introduir tambĂ© el tĂ­tol del...
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Novetats versiĂł 0.4.0

Noves funcionalitats i millores d’usabilitat

  • Enviament de notificaciĂł quan un Resultat rep un comentari (#1543). Fins ara nomĂ©s rebien notificacions de nous comentaris els autors/es d'una proposta. Ara tambĂ© s'envien notificacions als administradors...
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